How To Be a Stay at Home Mom &

Build A Profitable Business On Social Media 

**no social media following or tech experience necessary**

Instant Access To A Free Web Class


**Invited by Your Online Affiliate Marketing Coach, Miryah Nielsen**

What We'll Be Covering


How to Build a Brand & Biz With No Experience


How to replace your full-time income while being a Stay at Home Mom and actively raising your babies


The Exact Blueprint To Success Me & Many Others Have Implemented And How You Can Tap Into It Today

Who This is For

MOMS that:

*want to actively raise their children

*want to be present for their babies' milestones

*wanting to stay at home but need the income


Lives Transformed: Testimonials

Here's what others say...


Kayla Prevorse

Sarah Lustig

Hey Hey!! First, CONGRATS on taking the first step in creating the life you want & deserve!

A few years ago I thought I had landed THE PERFECT J.O.B.

In the midst of building my career, I also found out I was going to be a momma! 

I was 100% shocked but 1,000% excited!!!

Unfortunately, though, my boss didn’t share the same excitement as me.

The response I received instead was quite the opposite…

She said, and I quote, “I have no use for you anymore.”

I Made A Pact With Myself That Very Moment

I would never work that hard for someone else’s dreams again.

If I was going to put blood, sweat & tears into something it was going to be for MY dreams and goals, not someone else’s.

My Future, My Responsibility. Right?

I knew I had to do something 

I scoured the internet for weeks trying to find something I could be passionate about and also do while staying home with my son...

Something where I could make a difference, and something that would secure my family’s future.

That is when I came across this!!!

It has been an incredible experience, and I like to say now I have the Best of Both Worlds!

Since starting my Online Biz I have been able to quit my J.O.B. and become a Full-Time Stay-at-Home Mompreneur!

After spending 5 years in college, a bachelor’s and master’s degree later, I finally landed that big girl job I had been tirelessly searching for!

It was everything I was hoping and planning for... (for the first 2 weeks that is).

My life quickly turned into an autopilot routine and I realized this really wasn’t the life I had dreamed of.

Something. Had. To. Change.

Because I knew that NOT making a change was the thing keeping me stuck in that cubicle on autopilot day after day, dreaming of the life I could have.

So I did it! I made the change and I’m SO glad I followed that instinct and took the plunge!

I’ve been able to grow a whole skill set that I had absolutely no background in and created the Time Flexibility & Freedom I’d been craving.

After 5 short months of building my business as a side hustle, I was finally able to quit my 9-5 j.o.b. FOREVER!!

I’m officially a Full Time Digital Nomad and I now have more time for family, my hobbies, and the little things in life I didn’t have time to enjoy before.

I am so grateful to have found an opportunity that has given me so much Fulfillment and Freedom and I am so lucky to have met some pretty incredible community members who have supported and helped me get to where I am today. 

Are You Ready To Raise Your Babies?

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